Project Sidewalk is a powerful tool for advocacy
Project Sidewalk serves as an excellent tool to foster advocacy by community organizations. This platform provides a convenient and efficient means to collect valuable data on the condition of sidewalk networks in specific areas of interest.
The gathered data becomes a powerful resource to highlight infrastructure issues when advocating to decision-makers.
For disability organizations, Project Sidewalk proves invaluable in outlining the accessibility of sidewalk networks, offering a comprehensive perspective on the specific challenges faced by individuals with disabilities.
Newberg, OR
Community advocates and local government officials joined forces to map the sidewalk infrastructure in this community of 25,000 people. After 230 users mapped 116 miles of sidewalk in Newberg, the city council established a new sidewalk renovation program, allocated $50,000 for immediate repairs on city property, and initiated two sidewalk accessibility grant programs for homeowners.

Get Involved
For active transportation groups (walking/wheeling/biking), the data can also prove useful for advocacy and planning efforts.If interested in getting your organization involved, please contact [email protected]